Hack 4 Humanity

Location: Online

Hack 4 Humanity is an ideathon and hackathon combination started by three high school students from the USA who aim to connect technologists from around the world to tackle everyday problems. Whether it's improving access to healthcare, addressing environmental issues, or providing newer platforms of education, Hack 4 Humanity is focused on generating impactful solutions to make a change in today's society.

Prior experience with coding is NOT required! Our competition has two separate divisions based on the type of projects that will be submitted. Participants have the opportunity to showcase their creative and technological skills with a team or individually. This ideathon/hackathon will provide users with a platform to expand their knowledge with like-minded peers and gain experience with our workshops. If you're willing to make a change with tech, consider joining Hack 4 Humanity!

Getting Started

We advise you join our Discord server for updates on the event and workshops made by our sponsors. We'll be giving out more information as the date for the hackathon nears. For now, look through the website to familiarize yourself with the Hack 4 Humanity's theme, important dates, requirements, and prizes. We have almost $500K in prizes, including participation prizes!



All times below are in EST.

Nov. 9, 2024, 11:00 AM - Opening Ceremony (on Discord), Hackathon Begins

Dec. 2, 2024, 8:00 PM - Submission Closes

Dec. 3-6, 2024 - Judging Period, Public Voting Begins

Dec. 7, 20246:30 PM - Closing Ceremony & Winners Announced

Special Thank You to Wolfram Alpha!


Nov. 9, 2024 - Dec. 2, 2024


Hack 4 Humanity





Link to website

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