Green Hackathon:
We're calling all environment and sustainability enthusiasts to help us create a momentous impact all around the world. #GreenHackathon aims to reshape our future with a focus on three main topics: Industrial Ecology, Alternative Energies, and Agribusiness
The Hackathon Design:
The 2-phase Hackathon is held in 3 Cities: Cairo, Alexandria, Assuit, and Online before converging to the Final Hackathon in Cairo.
During the first phase, Teams are required to submit a concept note with the business model attached. This business model should be presented through a 1-min pitch video and a pitch deck that doesn’t exceed 10 slides.
For the second phase, teams are required to work on developing an MVP for the product they have developed throughout the first phase.
Date: 1-2 November
Phase 1 (The Ideation Phase):
Topic 1: Agri-Business
Developing a tech solution that helps in promoting sustainable agriculture through incorporating technology trends that explore the possibility of transforming classic agriculture life cycles to better ensure food security, improved nutrition, fair distribution, and create job opportunities.
Topic 2: Alternative Energies
Developing a tech solution by understanding the use of different sources of energy consumption that would help mitigate the effects of fossil fuels on the environment. This could involve the use of energy in transportation, food production, the production of clothing and fabrics, etc..., in relation to how can the provided solutions create sustainable job opportunities for youth
Topic 3: Cleantech
Exploration of clean-tech solutions that would revolve around waste management systems, sustainable production models, manufacturing processes, efficient and responsible use of resources for preservation, in relation to how can the provided solutions create sustainable job opportunities for youth
Winners travel to Cairo the following weekend for the final stage. (Transportation is on us!)
Date: 8-9 November
Phase 2 (The Rapid Prototyping Phase):
Cairo: 3 topics under one roof
Prizes: 100,000 LE for each of the top 3 winners!
Nov. 1, 2019 - Nov. 3, 2019
Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt