Girls in Tech NYC ClimateHack 2023

beginnermachine learningsocial
Location: New York

This hackathon enables developers, creatives, and entrepreneurs from all over the NYC & tri-state area co-create solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing us today.. Go from an idea to a working proof of concept within a weekend!


*Get hands-on experience developing your focused skill set

*Collaborate with experienced mentors & join a workshop to learn new skills 

*Network & build relationships with like-minded people in the local start-up community

*Participate in group pitches in front of local business leaders

*Win prizes!!


NO technical skills are required! Open to marketers, technologists, strategists, creatives, humanists and students. This event is a woman-, man-, non-binary-, POC-, and LGBTQIA-friendly environment!


We welcome this opportunity to anyone who is interested…in fact, the more diverse the team is.. the better the solutions! 


You can register with your own team (teams of 6-8 people) or get matched the week leading up to the event.




Hustlers/Entrepreneurs: Hackathons are great places to test ideas, build a startup, build leadership and practice your pitching skills.


Designers/Creatives: Design for real company scenarios and expand your portfolio. This is a chance to apply design thinking methodologies from ideation to research to prototyping.


Hackers: Create a technology toolkit that can have real impact. Challenge your coding skills and use it as an opportunity to learn new languages and tools.


Students: Hackathons provide lots of opportunities to get startup-like work experience. It’s a great way to build your resume and demonstrate your drive, your ability to be creative, work in teams, and innovate.


Corporate Employees: If you’re looking to break out of your current role, or are reentering the workforce, Hackathons are great for sharpening and developing new skills, experimenting with new job roles. Use this as an opportunity to network with our sponsors for potential job opportunities.


Inventors and Early Adopters: This gives you the opportunity to stretch your creativity in a fun challenging environment. You’ll be with like minded people and you can lead the way for other first-timers.




What’s included: 

*Lunch & snacks will be provided. 

*Optional workshops to build applicable skills. 

*Mentors will also be provided to help teams think critically.


This is an in-person event. All participants must attend the Opening Ceremony and Team Presentations.


Participants must be 18 years of age.


Bring your laptop and charger! Charging outlets will be available.


SCHEDULE (Times are in ET)


  • 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Opening Ceremony

  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PMTeam Formation & Mentor Sign Up

  • 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Lunch Provided

  • 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM SQL Workshop    

  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM Corporate Sustainability Workshop

  • 3:00 PM Snacks Provided

  • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM Practical Applications of AI and Machine Learning Workshop

  • 5:00 PM End of Hackathon Day 1

DAY 2 Sunday Oct 8th @ David Geffen Hall

  • 10:30 AM Breakfast Provided

  • 11 AM - 2 PM Meet with Mentors

  • 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Lunch Provided

  • 2:30 PM Snacks Provided

  • 3:00 PM Project Submission Portal Closes

  • 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM Judge Introductions + Presentations

  • 6:30 PM Winner Announcement and Wrap Up



Oct. 7, 2023 - Oct. 8, 2023


Girls in Tech NYC


645 W 130th St, New York, NY 10027, USA



Link to website

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