GEM Hackathon

Location: Cambridge


Welcome to the #GEMHackathon! Join us for exciting challenges around global power plant mapping for community empowerment and solar potential tracking to unlock powerful insights, and support Global Energy Monitor's important nonprofit work. Your projects and ideas will push climate action forward and could inspire climate action, future GEM tools and programs, and advance important energy research and education. Please plan to work in teams of 2-5 members.


Saturday, February 3

10am: Opening Ceremony

10:30am: Hacking Starts! 

12:30pm: Lunch

3pm: GEM Talk

6:30pm: Dinner

9pm: Night Owl Geoguesser

Sunday, February 4

8:30am: Breakfast

10am: Social Explorer Data Training

12:30pm: Lunch

3:30pm: Project submission deadline

3:45pm: Project presentations

4:30pm: Closing ceremony

Please note that in the spirit of open innovation and transparency, all projects created at the GEM Hackathon will be either publicly available on DevPost. Some of your ideas may indirectly inspire the work of GEM or other environmental nonprofit organization projects, tools, and programs in the future to drive climate action forward.


Feb. 3, 2024 - Feb. 4, 2024


Earth Hacks


13, 105 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA



Link to website

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