#ExpeditionHacks - Combating Human Trafficking (Arlington, VA)

Location: In-person

Blue Compass is honored to be partnering with George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government -Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC) on a Human Trafficking focused hackathon as a part of #ExpeditionHacks event series.  Human trafficking is a global enterprise that is second only to drug trafficking as the most profitable criminal business.  It takes many forms, including labor trafficking and sex trafficking. Create a solution to help combat human trafficking or assist its victims, using artificial intelligence/machine learning, augmented reality, or anything else!  Some ideas to consider:


  • What indicators help predict behaviors of human trafficking suppliers?

  • How can data collected at the local level help analysts at the federal level to correlate data to find traffickers and victims? How can automation or machine learning assist?

  • Create a predictive model of trafficking to forecast staffing needed for victim services and law enforcement.

  • Create an app that could help truckers to identify signs of human trafficking and alert law enforcement.

  • What can we learn from natural disasters that could prevent the emergence of human trafficking?

  • Create a platform for reporting human trafficking case data that provides a standard format and fields for law enforcement agencies, with the ability to share datasets with other agencies and jurisdictions. The platform should include the capability for future geospatial or GEOINT analysis.


Any other idea you might have to contribute to the eradication of this terrible crime and the suffering of its victims.


Please note this event will be held at the GMU –Arlington Campus at Founder’s Hall near the Virginia Square Metro Stop on the Orange Line.




April 14, 2018 - April 15, 2018



Founders Hall, 3351 Fairfax Dr, Arlington, VA 22201, USA



Link to website

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