Equali-Hack Fall 2023

Location: Online

About the challenge

Welcome to Equali-Hack Fall 2023, a hackathon focused on developing innovative solutions that promote a more equal world. This is an online event that brings together passionate and creative individuals who want to use their skills to address social justice issues and create meaningful impact.

At Equali-Hack, we believe that diversity and inclusion are essential ingredients for any successful innovation. That's why we encourage participants from all backgrounds and skill levels to join us and collaborate with each other in teams to build solutions that can make a real difference.

During this hackathon, you will have the opportunity to work on challenges related to a variety of social justice issues, such as gender equality, racial justice, economic empowerment, accessibility, and environmental sustainability. You will also have access to workshops, mentoring, and other resources to help you develop your ideas and turn them into functional prototypes.


Our judges will evaluate the projects based on their potential for impact, innovation, and feasibility. The top teams will receive winning certificates.

Join us at Equali-Hack Fall 2023 and let's build a more equal world together!


Get started

Getting started with Equali-Hack Fall 2023 is easy. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Register: To participate, you need to register for the hackathon. Registration is free, and all you need to do is join through DevPost. You can register as an individual or as a team of up to four members.

  2. Join the Slack channel: Once you've registered, you will receive an invitation to join our Slack channel, where you can connect with other participants, mentors, and organizers. This is also where we will share announcements, resources, and updates about the hackathon.

  3. Start hacking: Once the submission period opens, it's time to start hacking! You will have one month to work on your project.

  4. Submit your project: When you're ready, submit your project via DevPost. Your submission should include a pitch deck and a demo video showcasing your solution. Remember to highlight the problem you're addressing, the impact you're creating, and how your solution is innovative and feasible.

So what are you waiting for? Register for Equali-Hack Fall 2023 now and get ready to make a difference!


Sept. 1, 2023 - Oct. 1, 2023







Link to website

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