Emotion Lab '16: Emotion Hack Your Tech

Location: Cambridge

In just a week Affectiva kicks-off Emotion Lab '16 an exciting weekend-long hackathon during which participants will create emotion-aware technology.  You will use Affectiva’s emotion-sensing SDKs for iOS, Android and Windows.  We’ll provide a selection of interesting APIs, IoT devices, and technologies, and together we will design the future of emotion-aware technology.

Important: You must bring ID to get into the venue.

Please help promote on Twitter: #emotionlab16 and @Affectiva

Wifi -- SSID: Cambridge Network Password: ei0306


Friday March 4

5:00pm - Doors open for registration

6:00pm - Opening comments, review of team formation, technologies, devices and logistics

7:00pm - Team formation starts

9:00pm - Session ends for the day

Dinner will be served

Saturday March 5

8:00am - Doors open for all day hackathon

6:00pm - Sesssion ends for the day

Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be served

Sunday March 6

8:00am - Doors open. Teams wrap up and prep presentations

11:00am - Presentations by teams and judging starts

1:00pm - Award Ceremeny

2:00pm - Hackathon ends

Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be served

Team Formation:

The organizers of the hackathon will help participants to form small teams, ideally around 5 people. These teams will work together to create an emotion-aware solution.  You do not need to have a pre-existing team to attend, we will help you join a team.  The more diversity we have on a team the more skills and ideas will be brought to the solution.  You do not need to be technical to participate.

Selection of devices and technologies that we will provide include:

Beyond Verbal – voice-driven Emotions Analytics. 

  • Beyond Verbal’s Cloud based API will enable hackathon participants to add an additional layer of emotional data to their solutions, by analyzing emotions from the voice. The API is easy to embed, comes with sample codes for Android, iOS JavaScript and .NET and supports both direct voice inputs (such as microphone, call and audio line-in), and the uploading of prerecorded files.

    By using the Beyond Verbal's technology you'll be able to analyze more than 430 emotion, 11 different Mood Groups, Valence, Arousal and Temper.

  • For more information visit Beyond Verbal's website or send any questions you might have to:[email protected].  Beyond Verbal representatives will be present at Emotion Lab '16, make sure to meet them!

Pavlok - a wearable device that breaks bad habits.

  • Based on over 80 years of clinical research, Pavlok can beep, vibrate, or administer a mild electric stimulus to help users reduce cravings and permanently break bad habits. Simply pair the stimulus from Pavlok with the habit you want to break and the brain creates a Pavlovian association between the habit and the stimulus. Use a vibration to train awareness or act as a reminder, or use the electric stimulus to train the brain to have an aversion to the habit.

  • Pavlok's stimulus can be triggered manually by pressing the top of the module, or it can be paired with an Android/iOS smartphone to adjust the strength of the stimulus or trigger the device automatically based on information from connected sensors like GPS, accelerometer, and more. Pavlok also pairs with the popular service IFTTT so that you can trigger Pavlok based on your everyday activity.

Interesting IoT devices and technologies:

  • BB-8 Robot by Sphero

  • Nest thermostat

  • Philips Hue programmable light bulbs

  • Flora Boards

  • Arduino boards and shields

  • Google Glass - kindly provided on loan by Brain Power

What to Bring:

  • Laptop

  • Mobile devices

  • Most importantly your ideas!

What you Get:

  • Food and drinks

  • IoT Devices to try

  • A help desk to support getting your ideas off the ground

  • Use of Affectiva’s emotion-recognition SDK

  • A hackpad to write about your project


Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

No, however if you are under 13 we would like your legal gaurdian to attend (they don't need to buy a ticket if they are not participating and eating food).

What is the refund policy?

In order to insure commitment to our event, we ask that all requests for refunds be done no later than Friday 2/26/16.  We will issue full refunds to anybody that asks up until 2/26/16.

Who Should Go:

You, you have the experience to participate, we'll make sure your skills are put to good use on a team that fits with you!  Hackathons are great ways to learn and meet people.  No prior experience, technical expertise or other credentials are needed to participate.

Is this event open to graduate students and research scientists?

Yes, everybody is welcome regardless of your educational background (see prior question for more details).

Is there a Facebook Event Page?

Yes, here it is.

Special Thank you to Microsoft for hosting this (and many other) community events:

Microsoft New England (MSNE) is a major center for technical innovation and research. Located in the heart of Cambridge, Massachusetts, the MSNE campus includes two buildings—One Memorial Drive and the recently renovated One Cambridge Center. At the core of MSNE is the Microsoft New England Research & Development Center (NERD). NERD is a world-renowned research and software development center, and is home to teams working on critical products and services like Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft SQL. NERD also serves as a center of gravity for the local tech community, having hosted more than 1,000 events and welcomed more than 100,000 visitors since opening in 2008.



March 4, 2016 - March 27, 2016



1 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA



Link to website

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