
Location: Online

Tools and Resources

  • Projects involving physical hardware or external devices are not permitted.

  • Teams can freely choose tools, IDEs, and programming languages that suit their project requirements. Game engines like Unity, Unreal Engine etc. are permitted, as well as AI tools for code generation or testing, provided their usage is disclosed in the README file.

  • Open-source tools, APIs, and libraries are encouraged, but proper attribution is mandatory. 

  • Teams must cite all third-party resources in their submissions, clearly indicating their sources and how they contributed to the project. 

  • Failure to disclose such information can lead to disqualification. 

  • Any cloned GitHub repositories or pre-existing assets must also be explicitly mentioned in the README, adhering to licensing terms like MIT or GPL. 

  • Pre-designed graphics, icons, and other assets may be used if they comply with Creative Commons or equivalent licensing standards.

  • Development must begin only after the hackathon officially starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday, November 23, 2024. 

  • Teams may brainstorm ideas beforehand but cannot write code prior to the event. 

  • The use of pre-existing libraries and APIs is allowed if properly disclosed. 

GitHub Setup and Organization

The organisers will provide a GitHub repository which must be forked. All work done by teams must be uploaded in their respective fork. Each team's repository must be well organised and conatin the following

  • A file containing project details, technologies used, and citations for any open-source libraries or cloned repositories.

  • A file to log updates, challenges, and planned next steps.

Teams are encouraged to follow a structured branching strategy. The main branch should be reserved for production-ready code, the dev branch for active development, and feature-specific branches for tasks such as feature-login or feature-database. All merges into the main branch should occur via pull requests after a code review.

Documentation and Logs

Each project repository must include a well-maintained file with a clear overview of the project, setup instructions, technologies used, and acknowledgments for external contributions. A file should document daily progress, challenges faced, and upcoming tasks, ensuring mentors can track the team’s journey and provide assistance when needed.

Workflow and Collaboration

Teams are encouraged to use GitHub Issues for task management, logging bugs, feature requests, and progress updates. Labels like "bug," "feature," or "help wanted" should be used to ensure clarity, with the “Help Needed” label specifically signalling mentors for support. Visualising workflows through GitHub Project Boards with columns such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done" is highly recommended. Tools like GitKraken or Sourcetree can aid in visualising branch merges and commit histories.

Progress Tracking and Mentor Engagement

Organizers and mentors will use GitHub Insights to monitor commit frequency, pull requests, and issue resolution. Teams must maintain clear task assignments and provide regular updates in their logs and project boards. Mentors will periodically review activity and offer guidance based on the logged progress and identified bottlenecks.

Good Practices for Development

Clear and concise code commenting is essential, particularly for complex logic or function definitions. Dependency management should include a requirements.txt file listing all necessary libraries and tools, simplifying setup for reviewers and teammates. Regularly testing the environment setup ensures that the README instructions are accurate and complete.



Nov. 23, 2024 - Nov. 24, 2024


plaksha university




₹ 140,000

Link to website

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