Crestwood Hacks

Location: Online

About the challenge

The Crestwood Hacks challenge is focused on using technology to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities. We believe that technology has the power to make a positive impact on people's lives and solve important problems. That's why we've chosen this challenge for our hackathon - we want participants to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions that address real-world issues related to healthcare, education, accessibility, and more. By participating in this challenge, you'll have the opportunity to make a difference and create something that could potentially have a meaningful impact on people's lives. So come join us and let's use technology to improve the world!

Get started

  1. Sign up for a Devpost account using your Github or school email.

  2. Find a partner(s) to work together with.

  3. Begin brainstorming ideas and concepts.

  4. Create a general outline for your final project and divide the work amongst your group members.

  5. Continue working on the project during the allotted time.

  6. Refine and polish the project. You do not need a finished product by the end of the hackathon, but you do need something presentable.

  7. Create a presentation for your project, whether it is a slideshow or google doc.

  8. Submit your project by the deadline.


Jan. 30, 2023 - March 30, 2023


Crestwood Preparatory College





Link to website

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