Creating Reality Hackathon - AR/VR Hackathon Sponsored by USC

Location: Los Angeles

AR/VR Hackathon creating original AR, VR, webVR and Mobile AR work

AR/VR designers, developers, sound engineers, graphic artists, creatives, domain experts, and enthusiasts are invited to apply for the hackathon here.

Unconventional thinking by interdisciplinary teams will explore new and yet to be discovered applications at the Creating Reality Hackathon. Attendees will meet new people, be exposed new ideas and build creative and original applications that will deepen our understanding of AR and VR.

About 400 participants will be accepted from a field of 2,000 applicants to create a one time only, purpose-built community formed into interdisciplinary teams. The field of participants is expected to be 50% students and 50% working practitioners. Attendees will build new applications and some will create ingenious new VR and AR use cases that no one has yet implemented. 

Preliminary categories are:

  • Innovative Entertainment (including storytelling and games)

  • Content Production

  • Medical and Healthcare

  • Architecture, Engineering and Construction

  • AR and VR for Good – the nexus of celebrity, popular Culture and Civic  Engagement

  • AR and VR hardware hacks

  • Machine Learning and AI

Loaner devices from the top platform companies will be available for check-out during the hackathon.

A day of skill-building workshops on AR and VR design, development, and platforms will be held on March 12, 2018. Workshops will feature speakers covering hardware, development methodologies, and immersive design concepts. On the last day, a public expo will showcase the projects submitted by hackathon participants, culminating in an award ceremony for the top submission selected by the judging panel.

In October of 2016 and 2017 the same producer, non-profit Grassroots Developer Education organized the largest-ever immersive Reality Virtually hackathon on VR and AR at the MIT Media Lab attracted sponsors like Samsung, HP, Microsoft, AT&T, Google and HTC VIVE. The Creating Reality Hackathon that will set a new record, will be adapted for the USC and LA communities. The areas of interest and project submission categories are expected to vary for the two hackathons, because of differences in the two universities’ curriculum and research, as well as the geographically represented industries Meanwhile, the creation of original work is a central theme for both hackathons.


March 13, 2018 - March 14, 2018



3607 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA



Link to website

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