COVID-19 Idea Sprint with GovTech Singapore

Location: Online

*Join our Slack channel to take part in discussions, share your initial ideas, and look/call for help.*

GovTech’s COVID-19 Idea Sprint is an opportunity for members of the public to volunteer and contribute their ideas and expertise to help create solutions to address the COVID-19 crisis in Singapore. The rapidly evolving situation has precipitated an influx of new problems throughout the country, as Singapore works to manage the spread of the virus while simultaneously planning for how to return to a new normal post-Circuit Breaker. Thus the COVID-19 Idea Sprint welcomes any developers, designers, and innovators to 1) listen to agencies across government share problem areas related to COVID-19 and 2) build and ideate solutions for how to address these problems.

To take part in other COVID-19 tech volunteering efforts with GovTech beyond the Idea Sprint, you can also view other volunteering opportunities at (scroll down).


Representatives from various government agencies will be hosting webinars to share more on COVID-19 related challenges which they’re facing in their respective domains. These include:

No.TopicSharing ByWebinar Details (SGT)
1Contact TracingMOHWebinar has ended. Details here
2Re-opening the EconomySNDGOWebinar has ended. Details here
3Isolation and mental health
Matching needs and offers in society
MCCYWebinar has ended. Details here
4Renewal of Tenancies for Rental FlatsHDBWebinar has ended.
Recording here
Slides here

Details on the problem statements will be shared in the Updates Tab, as well as on Slack.

As more domain areas emerge, we will continue to update this list. Details on the webinars will also be updated as and when they are confirmed. 

*Beyond these themes, we welcome submissions any other ideas, prototypes, or products related to the management of COVID-19 in Singapore.*


8 MayRegistration opens
8 May, 5.30pmIdeas and project submissions open
11-13 May EveningsWebinars from government agencies (With the fluid COVID-19 situation, additional sharings may be added during the week)

16 May, 5.30pm 22 May, 12pm
Deadline to update submissions
23 May 2-4pmDemo Day to demonstrate mock-ups, prototypes, solutions with government representatives and idea sprint community

All of the above are in Singapore Standard Time (SGT). As the situation is continually evolving, the timeline for the COVID-19 Idea Sprint is subject to change. Additional sharings from government agencies may be added throughout the week and as such we may choose to add a second Project Sharing day.


May 8, 2020 - May 22, 2020


Singapore Government





Link to website

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