Copenhacks 2018

Location: Kongens Lyngby

- About CopenHacks
The idea for starting CopenHacks came in mid-2015 by a student at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), after having noticed that the hackathons that occur do not have a focus on learning and fun, but are generally hosted by some company that want to explot students capabilities to solve some company problem using company software in exchange for an internship or smaller, less significant rewards.

CopenHacks was conceived with the intention of having both local and international students from many different backgrounds to come together to work on any project they like, using whichever tech they like, with the hopes of starting a more progressive, inviting, supportive, and enriching 'hacker' culture in Denmark.

- What is CopenHacks?

  •         24h of Hacking - Have you ever wanted to code a great idea but haven't been able to set aside the time to actually build it? Or perhaps you had a fantastic idea but lacked the technical ability to be able to code it yourself. Now you have the chance to dedicate 24 hours on this project or idea. The only condition is: You will only be judged on what you write within these 24 hours.

  •         Meet fellow hackers! - Meet the love of your life! Or (more realistically) meet other fellow programmers and tech enthusiats from all over the world! Exchange your knowledge, learn how to build awesome new stuff, create friendships, or even find your potential future business partner, blow the world away with your inovative new idea.

  •         Prizes and Freebies - SHWAAG! So much SWAG. Thanks to support from our lovely sponsors there will be a variety of great prizes. Even if you don't win, we can promise that everyone is guarenteed to receive some cool free stuff just for participating.

  •         Career Opportunities - Get the unique opportunity to meet some of the engineers and recruiters from Microsoft as well as other sponsors. Expand your network, make contacts, and get the chance to potentially interview with some of these incredibly talented people.

- Where Does CopenHacks Take Place?
CopenHacks takes place inside the fancy, new, Microsoft building in Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark (also known as the Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen). The building is the workplace of thousands of Microsoft employees from all over the world, and the facilities are both modern and elegant. The infrastructure is guaranteed to support hundreds of guests simultaniously connecting the network; the inhouse kitchen and their wonderful cooks will be catering the food; there is even a quiet room to sleep, a locker room with showers, a gaming area with xboxes and kinects, and if that is not enough, the building is in the heart of Lyngby, a beautiful area full of shops, restaurants, and even a cinema close to the local Technical University.


April 7, 2018 - April 8, 2018



Kanalvej, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark



Link to website

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