Computer Hex Tournament

beginnermachine learning
Location: Online

About the challenge

This Hackathon is designed for participants to build the game-playing bot of their dreams! Contestants (either individuals or in teams) will design and develop a program capable of playing the board game Hex using any language or tools desired. Programs will then be pitted against each other in a round-robin style tournament, and who ever accumulates the most points will be crowned the winner! 

Hex has a long history with the University of Alberta. Many professors in the department of Computing Science have had a significant impact on the study of the game itself, and in building world-class Hex-playing programs. These professors include Dr. Ryan Hayward, Dr. Martin Muller, and many others! If you’re at all interested in getting into research in the field of board games, this is a great opportunity to break in!

Note that development is allowed from the moment you sign up! We want to emphasize that experimentation is desired, and that you should try as many different techniques as possible. Trying to treat this as a normal weekend hackathon will likely result in a worse player than if you had started working on it to start out with!

Get started 

  1. Go to the Undergraduate AI Society’s Hex repository to view an example bot in the random_bot directory.

  2. If you want, find a team of people to work on the project together!

  3. Register for the event!

  4. Sign up and ask questions on our discord!



Jan. 17, 2023 - Feb. 21, 2023







Link to website

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