Citizen Science ThinkCamp (and Disco)

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Location: Berlin

The ThinkCamp is a mixed event focusing on the Open Space, BarCamp and Hackathon formats that provide an open and creative environment for developing new ideas and projects. ThinkCamps invite participants from a diverse range of disciplines, skill-sets and experiences to collaborate together on addressing problems, rising to challenges, and taking advantage of new opportunities. At the ECSA ThinkCamp these will take the form of Citizen Science Challenges. Attendees will be presented with a number of Challenges to explore and invited to join the discussion at the ‘working group’ table around that issue. Feel free to move amongst the Challenges based on what you can learn, contribute, or simply enjoy being part of. There will be a Show & Tell at the end of the day, for each Challenge ‘owner’ and the teams that emerged to present back to all Conference attendees what took shape during the ThinkCamp. Support will be offered by the ThinkCamp organisers to take any of those ideas forward beyond the event itself.


May 20, 2016 - May 21, 2016



Kesselhaus in der Kulturbrauerei, Berlin


Link to website

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