Hey First Years! Welcome to CISSA's inaugural 1st year hackathon!
Designed as a chill and fun hackathon for all first years to get a taste at what hackathons are like!
Never participated in a hackathon before? That's ok! That's what this hackathon is for. At start of hackathon, you'll be given a general project guideline to follow with additional features and your creativity deciding how to implement and refine the project.
If you haven't signed up already, please fill out the following team regestration form:
19th August:
10:00 am start and welcome ceremony
11:00am workshops!
12:30pm lunch time! (Please let us know of any dietaries in advanced)
6:00pm John Medley officially closes (You can stay around if you like)
20th August:
9:00am John Medley opens
12:30pm Lunch!
2:00pm HACKATHON ENDS. SUBMIT ALL WORK. Hang around and socialise with other students
3:00pm Winners annouced!
Aug. 18, 2023 - Aug. 20, 2023
John Medley Building, Parkville VIC 3052, Australia