
Location: New York

Imagine a world where you look down, and you are holding that ice cold beer you were just thinking about… at the exact moment the thirst hit. Is this some kind of sorcery, even wizardry you ask!? Relax, this isn’t a movie…it’s the future of convenience!

Here’s a quiz. Try to solve one, two, or all of the following pain points that beer consumers endure:

  •      Running out of beer unexpectedly

  •      Lugging beer home from the store (if it’s snowing, forget it)

  •      Beer store is closed/far away

  •      Not knowing which beer to bring to that party

  •      Beer of choice not in stock/carried in store

  •      Hard to try new beers or know if you will like them

  •      Warm beer…NOT ACCEPTABLE

  •      Which beer to pair with which food

  •      Waiting (for what seems like hours) for your beer at that new bar

These are just some of the problems we know are going on for our customers, but don’t be limited by the above. Our goal is to work to solve any/all consumer pain points you can possibly think of—ones that maybe don’t even exist yet!

Here are some general starter solutions to get the creative juices flowing:

  •      Prediction & Recommendation Systems—which will be based on time, place, setting, physical activity etc.

  •      Smart fridges

  •      Smart bars

  •      Beer vending machines

  •      Tracking your craft beer consumption and preferences (to avoid future decision making dilemmas)

  •      Last mile delivery (by any means possible --cars, bikes, delivery people with backpacks, drones (hey, it could happen)

  •      Virtual beer inventory


April 16, 2016 - April 17, 2016



119 W 24th St, New York, NY 10011, USA



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