Bitcoin Games 2024 Hackathon

Location: Online

Bitcoin Games 2024 Hackathon Details

Sidechain Challenge

Participants in the sidechain track are tasked with developing innovative solutions leveraging Bitcoin's sidechain technologies to enhance scalability and usability. The challenge encourages participants to explore domains such as scalable payment systems, interoperable tools, real-world asset tokenization (RWA), decentralized exchanges, loyalty applications, decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DEPIN), and more. Projects should demonstrate how sidechain solutions can handle high transaction volumes, reduce fees, and improve user experiences while maintaining Bitcoin's security and decentralization.

Lightning Network Track Challenge

The Lightning Network Track challenges participants to innovate on the Lightning Network, facilitating faster, cheaper, and more efficient Bitcoin transactions. Developers are invited to build advanced Lightning wallets, merchant payment solutions, micropayments platforms, cross-border remittance services, and more. The focus is on enhancing user experience, optimizing payment routing, and creating new business models leveraging the Lightning Network's capabilities. Participants should showcase how their projects can provide seamless, low-cost transactions, enable new use cases, and improve the overall adoption and functionality of the Lightning Network.

Bitcoin Propaganda Track Challenge

The Bitcoin Propaganda Track invites participants to create compelling content that promotes Bitcoin and its potential impact. This track is open to creative individuals and teams who can craft commercials or memes for campaigns that highlight the world of Bitcoin. Projects should aim to inspire and mobilize a broader audience to embrace Bitcoin.


June 3, 2024 - July 12, 2024


BTC Media





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