
Location: Los Angeles

BioHack will provide an opportunity for student teams to brainstorm, design, build and test innovative biotechnological products with an emphasis in hardware.

These will be aimed at addressing a set of problems, conceived in collaboration with industry mentors and academic supporters. Student teams will be required to plan and coordinate activities to deliver a proof of concept of their project in order to allow a more significant advancement towards an initial prototype. 

Student teams will be assessed on their progress toward completion of presented problems. This project will support young entrepreneurial technologist to develop their problem solving skills and work in cross-functional teams. We believe that by utilizing the collective resources of our Los Angeles Technology Ecosystem program will be able to attract and catalyze further innovative students in biotechnology, hardware and entrepreneurship


Oct. 22, 2016 - Oct. 23, 2016



State University Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90032, USA



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