Beta Health

healthmachine learningmobile
Location: Online

About the challenge

Introducing the Health Access Challenge:

In rural and underserved communities, accessing quality healthcare can be a daunting task. Limited resources, geographic barriers, and language differences often exacerbate existing disparities in healthcare access. To bridge this gap and ensure equitable healthcare for all, we invite you to participate in the Health Access Challenge.

Our challenge is to create a revolutionary health app that leverages technology to address the unique healthcare access challenges faced by rural and underserved populations. This app will serve as a comprehensive solution, empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being.

Get started

  1. Review the Challenge Details: Carefully read the information provided about the hackathon, including the challenge prompt, key features, and any specific requirements or guidelines.

  2. Formulate Your Team: Consider assembling a team of individuals with diverse skills relevant to app development, such as software engineering, user experience design, healthcare expertise, and project management. Collaborating with others can enhance your project's creativity and effectiveness.

  3. Understand the Problem: Take the time to thoroughly understand the healthcare access challenges faced by rural and underserved communities. Research existing solutions and identify gaps or opportunities where your app can make a meaningful impact.

  4. Brainstorm Ideas: Gather your team to brainstorm potential concepts and features for the health app. Consider how you can address virtual consultations, remote monitoring of vital signs, multilingual input, and connectivity with healthcare providers in innovative and user-friendly ways.

  5. Define Your Approach: Decide on the scope and focus of your app. Determine which features are essential for addressing the identified challenges and prioritize them accordingly. Establish clear goals and objectives for your project.

  6. Create a Project Plan: Develop a detailed project plan that outlines the tasks, milestones, and timeline for developing your health app. Allocate responsibilities among team members and establish regular communication channels to ensure progress and collaboration.

  7. Design Your App: Start designing the user interface and user experience of your app. Consider the needs and preferences of your target users, keeping accessibility and inclusivity in mind. Create wireframes or mockups to visualize your app's layout and functionality.

  8. Develop Your App: Begin the development process by building the core functionality of your health app. Utilize programming languages and frameworks suitable for mobile app development, ensuring compatibility with multiple devices and platforms.


  10. Finalize Your Submission: As the hackathon deadline approaches, finalize the development of your health app and prepare all required documentation for submission. Ensure that your app meets the specified requirements and adheres to any submission guidelines provided by the hackathon organizers.

  11. Submit Your Entry: Submit your health app and accompanying documentation according to the instructions provided by the hackathon organizers. Double-check that you have included all necessary materials and that your submission meets the deadline.


March 14, 2024 - April 8, 2024


CU University





Link to website

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