Bay Area Hacks 2.0

Location: Online

Our Mission

We believe in all of the participants in our events, but moreover, we believe in the teamwork that comes with it. When there are programmers who are infused in groups with others that have similar interests with them, we believe the potential outcome of that could be significant. We hope to continue the journey of making these collaborations occur in our organization, both in and outside of the United States, and to achieve more connections out of doing so.



If you are a current college/university, high school, or middle school student (from anywhere in the world), feel free to sign up for Bay Area Hacks 2.0!



Step 1: Fill out the Bay Area Hacks Event Participation Form (if you are looking for a team, please select the correct option on the form).

Step 2: Press the "Join Hackathon" button on this Devpost page under the "Bay Area Hacks 2.0" title.

Step 3: Join the Bay Area Hacks Society Discord Server to participate and stay connected with events going on during the hackathon (additional info about the event is posted on the announcements channel in the server), as well as to take part of workshops/meetings taking place before/during/after the event.


Feb. 23, 2024 - April 7, 2024


Bay Area Hacks Society





Link to website

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