Ayoba is a messaging platform, with support to channels, payments, bots and micro apps/service agents. It is localised for African and Middle East consumer needs.
Ayoba, together with the UCTGSB Solution Space and Geekulcha, will be hosting a virtual hackathon on 03 - 06 April for South African developers. The event aims to introduce the opening of Ayoba as a platform for developers and the MicroApp to 3rd parties.
Top 5 teams from the virtual Hackathon will then compete for a Top spot for the grand prizes at a physical 1-day Hackathon venue or a guided virtual participation platform.
Developers will have an opportunity to get creative and launch services through micro-apps.
Over two days, developers and start-ups will be given preview access to a developer sandbox environment. The teams will also have access to coaches providing tech, UI/UX and business support.
The challenge: Make creative use of the Ayoba platform to build services and solutions that meet the daily needs of African consumers and businesses.
After the four days, teams will submit their work to a panel of experts. The teams that develop the winning solutions will receive complimentary co-working space at the Ayoba offices, technical, marketing & development support as well as R150k in prize money for the hackathon’s Top 3 teams.
The top 3 ideas will be considered for the UCTGSB Solution Space E-Track Programme in partnership with the MTN Group.
April 3, 2020 - April 6, 2020
Geek Ulcha / Ayoba