AnimalHack 2023

Location: Online



Email: [email protected]


AnimalHack is a student-organized hackathon for anyone who interacts with any animals - including pets, service animals, farm animals and wild animals. We were disappointed with the lack of international, open hackathons that focus on animals, so we started our own. 

AnimalHack is a platform that inspires you to think of needs, wants and challenges in interacting with animals. It is intended to help you ignite creative solutions (hacks) with technology and innovate human-animal relationships. 

AnimalHack welcomes anyone of all ages and all technical skills, from limited experience to advanced. 

Entry is free. 


Expected project topics include, but are not limited to: 

* Contributing to animal wellbeing 

* Assisting animal owners 

* Assisting animal adoptions 

* Monitoring, conserving and improving the environment around animals 

* Observing, tracing and protecting wild animals 

* Breeding, rearing/farming and harvesting animals 

* Managing nuisance issues with wildlife

* Addressing animal abuse, cruelty and illegal capture/trade 


Solutions can take many different forms such as apps, games, social platforms, web sites/services, devices, robots, data collection/storage, data analysis/forecasts, data visualization, information retrieval, and 3-dimensional modeling/printing. 

AnimalHack is a “flexible” online hackathon. Participants can work on their projects anytime until the event starts. Each participant/team is required to submit a project presentation title and contact information by 6pm on September 9 (Sat), EST. 

AnimalHack will take place at 1pm on September 10 (Sun), EST. Each participant/team will deliver a project presentation (~10 minutes) online. Various awards are available. A panel of judges will select award winners at the end of the event. 

AnimalHack is hosted by Binnovative, a nonprofit organization in Massachusetts.



Yuma Karube (Co-chair)

Yua Murakami

Banri Ouchi

Sarasa Ouchi (Co-chair)

Hanna Suzuki

Sougou Tojima


June 10, 2023 - Sept. 9, 2023







Link to website

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