
machine learningsocial
Location: In-person

AIHacks is a student-run hackathon for high school females with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI). At AIHacks, participants are invited to spend a weekend dedicated toward learning new skills and building innovative projects, while establishing a network of relationships. Our mission is to empower young women to pursue their interests in technology and AI, as well as challenge them to apply their knowledge to make a difference in the world! 


08:15 AM Doors Open

09:00 AM Opening Ceremony

09:30 AM Keynote: Dr. Kallirroi Georgila

10:00 AM Begin hacking!

10:00 AM Intro to Python Workshop

11:00 AM Intro to AI Workshop

12:00 PM Lunch

12:30 PM iOS App Development Workshop

12:30 PM HTML/CSS Workshop

01:30 PM Guest Lecture: Dr. Gale Lucas

02:00 PM Continue working!

03:30 PM Snack Break

04:30 PM Guest Lecture: Dr. Jonathan May

06:00 PM Dinner

10:00 PM Fun Activity: Cup Stacking

12:00 AM Midnight Snack

07:45 AM Breakfast

09:00 AM Submissions Due

09:15 AM Elevator Pitches Begin

11:00 AM Women in Tech Panel

11:45 AM Closing Survey and Snacks

12:00 PM Closing Ceremony and Awards

01:00 PM End!


June 15, 2019 - June 16, 2019



12015 E Waterfront Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA



Link to website

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