2019 Fire Hack

Location: Southampton

During the hackathon all files will be shared via dropbox

The speed and ferocity of the recent devastating wildfires in California and in the UK demonstrate the need to develop new ways of using science and technology to assist the emergency services. Small unmanned air systems or ‘drones’ - in the right hands - could offer a way of reducing the burden on the emergency services by mapping and tracking a wildfire in real time, autonomously, enabling other efforts to be focused rapidly where they are needed to save lives.

Registration closes at 23:30 on the 27th of March – secure your place and get your free ticket at Eventbrite now

Dstl (Defence Science & Technology Laboratory), in partnership with the AFRL (US Air Force Research Laboratory), are hosting the 'Swarm and Search AI 2019 Fire Hack'.  Simultaneous competitions in the UK and US will explore new and more efficient ways to plan and execute complex drone searches and missions.

Supported by experts from industry, academia, MOD and the Fire & Rescue Service the participants will tackle a series of increasingly challenging scenarios to facilitate the development of their techniques within a simulated synthetic environment developed specially for this event by AFRL.

We’re particularly interested in the algorithms and artificial intelligence necessary to control the behaviour of the swarm. The challenge will grow in complexity over the weekend and we are looking for participants who are interested in:

  • Developing robust and resilient autonomy for these swarms

  • Collaborative behaviour between individual drones

  • Not just responding to the fire but predicting it

  • Considering the users’ priorities and real-world complexities of operating drones around wildfires, where mistakes could cost lives

There won’t be any live flying of drones as part of the main event. Instead, we will be making use of a bespoke version of a drone simulation environment from AFRL, which is being made available especially for this event to enable the development of your ideas, algorithms and behaviours against a range of challenges.



Through this hackathon we can offer a range of exclusive benefits as a result of our joint UK/US collaboration, including:

  • Exciting first-of-a-kind transatlantic hackathon, with access to experts and mentors on both sides of the Atlantic via our live video link to the Wright Brother Institute in Ohio (US hackathon details)

  • Exclusive US Air Force simulation environment for swarming drones, AMASE

  • Advice on how to take forward your skills and ideas, whatever the stage of your career or business, including recruitment advice and Government funding opportunities

  • Hosted by Solent University at their 'Spark' Centre, an incredible new venue with food and drinks provided throughout the weekend

  • Demonstrations and briefings on both the serious and the fun side of drone capabilities, and their important role in supporting our fire service


Incentives & Prizes

  • The team(s) with the most innovative solutions from the UK Hack will be offered a money-can't-buy opportunity to present their winning ideas and proposal for further exploitation at a special event at the British Embassy in Washington DC. Costs for travel and accommodation will be provided where appropriate.

  • The winning teams from both the US and UK hackathons will also be recognised at the AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2019 unmanned and autonomous systems trade show in Chicago, US, running 29th April to 2nd May.

  • We can help you to form a team prior to the start of the hackathon, forming new relationships that you might retain long beyond the hackathon.

  • 2019 Fire Hack branded t-shirts for every participant.

  • Other prizes to be confirmed.



  • Friday 29th Mar 2019 – Hackathon begins in The Spark in Southampton at 17:30, running through to 23:00

  • Saturday 30th Mar 2019 – The Spark reopens at 08:30, running through to 23:00

  • Sunday 31st Mar 2019 – The Spark reopens at 08:30, with the final challenge due to end around 12:30, and all judging, prize awards and closing messages finished in order for you to get away by around 15:30


Banner image is from PIXNIO


March 29, 2019 - March 31, 2019



E Park Terrace, Southampton SO14 0YN, UK



Link to website

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